Extinct trades. Wet nurse

This book gathers eight stories that talk to us about the delicate land of the mundane. They undress the life of another time that could have been today, as they address the same: the yearning for happiness and the human suffering.

They dig deeper into the remarkable bonds between a grandmother and her grandchild, the harassment, the disaffection at old age, the pedantry, the ravages of war; and all the same, they speak of irreplaceable beings.

These are whipping and disturbing narratives, yet, mysterious relationships of love and affinity, glimmer to shake us in each corner of them. 

A portrait from which you cannot escape unscathed after you log on with any main character.

Autora: Amparo González Tomás
Género: Relatos
Páginas: 122
Publicación: abril 2022
Edición: Tapa blanda con solapas
ISBN: 978-84-124772-5-2

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